Bethesda’s Latest Frontier: Starfield Release Date and More

Starfield had announced at the E3 event in 2018 by Bethesda. It is an upcoming single-player RPG game and is expected to be released in late 2021 or early 2022 for PC, Xbox Series X, and PS5. Bethesda’s boss Todd Howard had announced Starfield in words “our next-generation, single-player epic” in the E3 event. In this article, we have gathered what you need to know about Starfield, which we are getting closer to its release date day by day.

Starfield Trailer

Starfield was announced at the E3 event in 2018 with the trailer below. Quite simply, this trailer tells us about the game almost nothing. Because when Starfield was announced, the development of the game had not yet begun. Bethesda officials had announced that they will start developing Starfield after Fallout 4 ends in the E3 2018. In addition, there is no other Teaser about Starfield besides the below one.

Starfield in a Nutshell

It was wondering if Starfield would be released after Bethesda was acquired by Microsoft. But rumors say that the game will be released in late 2021 or early 2022. Since the announcement of Starfield at the 2018 E3 event, almost nothing about the game has been officially released. Just, it was approved by Bethesda that Starfield is a single-player sci-fi game. But they did not give any more information about the game. So, we have limited information about the game. If there will be any update or fresh news about the Starfield, you can find it on Lawod.

Starfield Leaked Screenshots

Starfield Leaked Screenshots

While there isn’t much information about the Starfield, a trio of images appeared on Imgur in September 2020. It is hard to confirm these images belong to Starfield, but the UI element in the bottom-left corner match the aesthetics used on the official Starfield webpage. Also, the ship and astronaut in the image remind us of the Fallout 4 engine. The camera angle also matches Fallout 4 third-person camera angle.

Starfield Leaked Screenshots

Starfield Release Date

As you know, Bethesda recently joined the Xbox. Bethesda’s summer plans were announced at a showcase, and among them was Starfield. We already mentioned the rumors say Starfield will release in late 2021 or early 2022. But it’s not confirmed by Bethesda or any officials of Bethesda. There is another debate that which platforms Starfield will be released for. After Bethesda joins the Xbox family, rumors say Starfield won’t be released for PS5. But it’s too not confirmed by Bethesda.

You can find fresh news, updates, downloads, game reviews, and more about Starfield and many more games at Lawod. Stay Tuned To Lawod.

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