Apex Legends is one of the most played games of the past few years, and the game started to lose some of its players recently. Thus, the developers decided to spice up the game with mini-games such as Scout of Action. This is a challenge that is available in the Firing Range.
Scout of Action is also a part of the Bangalore Chronicle story, which means that you must complete this challenge to progress in the story. However, what makes Scout of Action special is the score you are going to get in this challenge, which shows off your skills. It is a very important measurement in the community. If you would like to take this challenge and make a name for yourself, here is the complete guide you need.
What is Apex Legends Scout of Action?
Scout of Action is both a challenge and a mission of Chapter 1: Living With It in the Bangalore Chronicle. If you want to progress in The Williams Sendoff Bangalore Chronicle story, then you need to complete this challenge first. Thus, you can keep on your way to completing Apex Legends Bangalore.
How to Complete Apex Legends Scout of Action?
First, you must start the Apex Legends Prologue and complete it. Later, you will be able to play Chapter 1: Living With It so that you can begin the Scout of Action challenge. Once you complete the prologue, visit the Firing Range, where you will find a rack with the G7 Scout in the Heavy Weapons section. Get closer to the rack to accept the challenge.
After you accept the challenge, Bangalore will start a dialogue, and after she is done talking, your challenge will start. You will be asked to hit 35 blue targets in 60 seconds.
Every time you are about to hit a blue target, it will turn red for a while. You need to hit as many blue targets as you can. In addition, the ones that turn red will turn blue after a while, so you can hit them again. These will also count. Hitting 35 enemies in 60 seconds is a relatively easy task to complete the challenge as well.
What Are Apex Legends’ Scout of Action Rewards?
Players who successfully complete the Apex Legends Scout of Action challenge or mission will receive two different rewards. One of them is the Living With It Transaction loading screen. You can enjoy a new loading screen between the scenes. In addition to this, you will also receive a Scout of Action Tracker, which will help you to show off your score.
This means that you can try the challenge multiple times to get a better score than you can brag about. In other words, do not hesitate to take the challenge as many times as you want until you get a satisfactory score for yourself.
Once you complete this challenge along with other missions in Chapter 1, you can head to Chapter 2: The Taste of Loss to keep progressing in the story, where you can earn more rewards.
What Is Apex Legends Scout of Action World Record?
So far, a player named “VOREZ3” is holding the world record. He hit 152 blue targets in only 60 seconds. We believe that the record will be improved in the following days. Who knows, maybe you can be the next player who beats the record. So, what are you waiting for? You can launch Apex Legends right now and take the Scout of Action challenge to beat the record.