Cities Skylines 2 Not Enough Customer Explained

Getting the "not enough customer" warning in Cities Skylines 2 can be very frustrating. Here are the ways to solve Cities Skylines 2 "not enough customers" problem.

Cities Skylines 2, developed by Colossal Order and published by Paradox Interactive, is a city-building game that has gained popularity among gamers. As the player, you are expected to manage all aspects of the city you create, from its economy to its social welfare. However, some players may find it challenging to address the “not enough customer” warning that appears above commercial zones.

Cities Skylines 2 “not enough customer” issue can be easily resolved by following simple tips. From avoiding over-zoning to improving transportation, we will cover all ways to solve the problem in this guide.

Cities Skylines 2 Not Enough Customer Explained Lawod ss 1

What is Cities Skylines 2 “Not Enough Customer” Warning?

In Cities Skylines 2, when you receive the “not enough customer” warning, it means that the businesses in your commercial zones are having trouble selling their goods. This issue can occur due to several factors, but the primary reason is the lack of people in the city who can purchase the items produced by commercial zones.

Another reason to get this “not enough customer” warning could be overzoning your city and creating too many commercial areas. This can lead to overproduction of goods that don’t have a market, which will result in the “Not enough customer” warning.

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How To Solve Cities Skylines 2 “Not Enough Customer” Issue?

In Cities Skylines 2, businesses need buyers or customers to make sales. This is important because it keeps the economy in the city thriving. If the business doesn’t bring in enough income, it will start to suffer. If you’re experiencing this issue, there are several things you can do.

To avoid getting a “not enough customer” warning, you should first make sure that your city has adequate roads and public transportation to get people to your commercial zones. Keeping an eye on commercial taxes and making adjustments as needed is also an action card you should always consider using when you need it.

You can solve this problem by taking some actions like; 

  1. Lower taxes on certain goods.
  2. Make sure that your commercial zones are close to the residential area.
  3. Build a better transportation system from residential areas to commercial areas.
  4. Avoid creating too many commercial zones.

These methods will help ensure your commercial zones have enough customers to thrive. These actions should also help to get the businesses back up and running and prevent them from going bankrupt. The good news is that the issue does not seem to affect the overall happiness of your city.

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