Game Review – Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play open-world RPG game. It was released for PS4, PC, iOS, and Android platforms in September 2020. It is the kind of game that open-world RPG game lovers will want to play with the fascinating story of Genshin Impact and the incredibly beautiful map, where you can explore the corner by corner game.

Genshin Impact Trailer

Genshin Impact was announced in June 2020 with the trailer below. As you can see in the trailer, the beauty of The City of Freedom is so impressive. You find yourself in a Japanese Anime with the vocalizations, sounds, and graphics. You can watch the Genshin Impact trailer below, but we strongly suggest that you visit the Genshin Impact youtube channel. They use the Youtube channel efficiently. You can get information about the characters, watch trailers, storylines, and listen to soundtracks. You’ll also chill out when you listen to the soundtrack of the Genshin Impact from Youtube.

Genshin Impact In A Nutshell

Genshin Impact is an open-world RPG game that was released by miHoYo in September 2020. First, the developer and the publisher of the game, miHoYo, announced the game for PS4, PC, iOS, and Android platforms. In November 2020, Gunshin Impact was released for PS5.

As soon as you play Genshin Impact, you will realize how immersive the game is. You will see that an element you discover in the game drags you to very different places, and this discovery has no end. Genshin Impact is one of the game genres that you do not understand how time passes while playing. While you are exploring the world in the game, you will do various tasks like solving puzzles, saving lives, and these tasks allow you to enjoy the game. Also, the world created in the game is so beautiful. Animals running in the green valleys, mystical cities, and more are among the elements that keep you in the game. Sometimes you’ll play the game to chill out with soundtracks and watch the green hills.


It is nice that the game also includes strategy elements. For example, switching from a water character that makes your opponents wet to a character that can quickly electrify can give you a great advantage in encounters. The only thing we can negatively say about Genshin Impact is the story and the voices. Although it is nice to determine the story with your transition from region to region, we can say that the voices and scenes are incomplete.

Editors Ratings to Genshin Impact: 3,5/5

In short, many characters and missions will be waiting for you to discover in Genshin Impact. But we should say that the story doesn’t hook me in the game, so we decide to cut 1 point from the Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact didn’t sound like a long-lasting game to us. So it’s not like a game that we can play for hours. After 30 hours, you start to get bored. For this reason, we cut half a point in addition to a previous score. In our opinion, the most prominent features of the game are its beautiful graphics, its availability on mobile platforms, and the variety of characters. As a result, Genshin Impact gets 3,5 out of 5 from Lawod editors.

You can get more information about the game, which is really fun to play, on Genshin Impact‘s website. You can also find more content on Genshin Impact at Lawod. Stay Tuned To Lawod.

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