As of now, Manor Lords does not include native or built-in console commands or cheats. The game’s developer, Slavic Magic, has not implemented these features in the early access version, and there is no confirmation on whether they will be added in future updates. However, players can use third-party tools and mods to access cheats and console commands.
Third-Party Tools for Cheats
- WeMod Trainer:
- WeMod offers a variety of cheat options for Manor Lords, including:
- Unlimited resources (construction materials, food, fuel, crafting materials).
- Infinite health and stamina for army units.
- Maximum public order and approval.
- Fast kills for enemies.
- Game speed adjustments.
- These cheats are available for PC players using Steam or Xbox Game Pass.
- Nexus Mods:
- Mods like “RE-UE4SS” enable console commands in the game. After installing the mod, players can activate the console by pressing
(or a similar key) and entering commands. - Example commands include:
: Instantly complete building construction.k.setTreasury amount
: Set the treasury to a specific amount.k.declareWarToBaron
: Declare war on a baron.k.spawnStoneChunkAtCursor
: Spawn resources at the cursor location.
- Cheat Engine:
- Advanced users can use tools like Cheat Engine to manipulate in-game values such as treasury amounts or resource levels[9].
How to Enable the Console?
Currently, enabling cheats or console commands directly within the game is not possible. However, using mods can make this functionality accessible.To get started, you’ll need to download the RE-UE4SS file and follow these steps:
- Download the non-dev version (the zDEV version is only necessary if you plan to work on mod development).
- Extract the contents of the zip file to
. - If your game is listed in the custom config folder, extract the files from that folder into the Win64 directory as well.
After completing these steps, download the Console Commands Mod from Nexus Mods. Launch the game and press the F10 key on your keyboard to open the console.
Available Console Commands via Mods
Here are some notable commands accessible through mods:
Command | Use |
k.addChallengesByPlayerDaysLeft amount | Add days left by amount to player initiated challenges. |
k.addChallengesTowardsPlayerDaysLeft | Add days left by amount to challenges towards the player. |
k.addClayDepositAtCursor amount | Increase/decrease clay deposit at cursor by amount. |
k.addDevelopmentPoint amount | Increase/decrease current region development point by specified amount. |
k.addInfluence amount | Increase/decrease player Lord Influence by the specified amount. |
k.addIronDepositAtCursor amount | Increase/decrease iron deposit at cursor by amount. |
k.addKingsFavor amount | Increase/decrease player Lord KingsFavor by the specified amount. |
k.addMilitiaToRegion militiaID | Add new militia to current region. |
k.addMilitiaToRegionByName regionName militiaID | Add new militia to the specified region. |
k.addRegionalWealth amount | Increase/decrease current region wealth by specified amount. |
k.addRegionApproval amount | Increase/decrease current region approval by specified amount. |
k.addRegionPublicOrder amount | Increase/decrease current region public order by specified amount. |
k.addResourceToForeignSupply typeID amount | Add resource to the foreign supply. |
k.addResourceToSelectedBuildings typeId amount | Spawn/increase/decrease resource at selected buildings’ inventory. |
k.addTreasury amount | Increase/decrease player Lord Treasury by the specified amount. |
k.buildInstantly | Place the building and instantly finish it. |
k.declarePeaceToBaron | Declare peace to the Baron. |
k.declareWarToBaron | Declare war to the Baron. |
k.demolishSelectedBuildings | Demolish selected buildings. |
k.disbandOtherLordsMercenaries | Disband all of other lords squads that are part of mercenaries. |
k.emptyRegionBerries | Set every berry bush’s available berry in current region to 0. |
k.emptyRegionBerriesCapacity | Set every berry bush’s capacity in current region to 0. |
k.emptyRegionStoneDepositAmount | Set every stone amount in current region to 0. |
k.enterCommandsFromFile filePath | Enter commands listed in the given text file at filePath. |
k.finalizeClaims | Finalize all player claims. |
k.finalizePlayerClaimOnRegion | Finalize player claim on the current region. |
k.finishPlayerBuildings (bugged) | Finish all of player building construction. |
k.finishSelectedBuildings (bugged) | Finish selected building construction. |
k.followUnitAtCursor | Follow the Unit that is currently pointed by your cursor. |
k.forwardDay amount | Forward/skip the in-game day by amount. |
k.growRegionPopulation | Grow current region population by 1. |
k.growRegionPopulation amount | Grow current region population by amount. |
k.healPlayerUnits | Heal all of player commanded army units. |
k.healRegionFamiliesDisease | Heal disease on any family in current region. |
k.healSelectedBuildingsFamiliesDisease | Heal disease on family that resides in selected buildings. |
k.increaseRegionBerriesCapacity amount | Increase the lowest capacity berry bush in current region by amount. |
k.increaseRegionStoneDepositAmount amount | Increase the lowest stone amount in current region by amount. |
k.increaseSelectedBuildingsCropsYieldBy | Increase a random crops yield in selected buildings by amount. |
k.layRegionClaim | Lay a claim on the current region for the player. |
k.layRegionClaimForBaron | Lay a claim on the current region for the baron. |
k.makeDrought | Start the drought event. |
k.makeDroughtInstantly | Start the drought event, instantly to max drought. |
k.makeRain | Start the rain event. |
k.makeRainInstantly | Start the rain event, instantly to full rain. |
k.markNormalClayDepositAtCursor | Mark clay deposit at cursor as normal deposit. |
k.markNormalIronDepositAtCursor | Mark iron deposit at cursor as normal deposit. |
k.markRichClayDepositAtCursor | Mark clay deposit at cursor as rich deposit. |
k.markRichIronDepositAtCursor | Mark iron deposit at cursor as rich deposit. |
k.moveRegionByNameChallengeToCursor regionName | Move the battlefield place of any challenge regarding Region to the cursor position. |
k.setTreasury amount | Set player Lord Treasury to the specified amount. |
k.skipDrought | Skip the current drought event. |
k.skipDroughtInstantly | Skip the current drought event instantly. |
k.skipRain | Skip the rain event. |
k.skipRainInstantly | Skip the rain event instantly. |
k.skipRegionLivestockOrderInterval | Skip the interval between ordering animals for the current region. |
k.spawnBanditCamp | Spawn a bandit camp at a random place on the map. |
k.spawnBerryBushAtCursor | Spawn berry bush at cursor. |
k.spawnClayDepositAtCursor amount | Spawn new clay deposit at cursor position. |
k.spawnIronDepositAtCursor amount | Spawn new iron deposit at cursor position. |
k.spawnNewFamily | Spawn a new family in current region. |
k.spawnNewFamily amount | Spawn amount new family in current region. |
k.spawnNewFamilyAtCursor | Spawn a new family in current region with cursor location. |
k.spawnNewFamilyAtCursor amount | Spawn amount new family in current region with cursor location. |
k.spawnNewFamilyMember | Spawn a new family member in current region. |
k.spawnNewFamilyMember amount | Spawn amount new family member in current region. |
k.spawnNewFamilyMemberAtCursor | Spawn a new family member in current region with cursor location. |
k.spawnNewFamilyMemberAtCursor amount | Spawn amount new family member in current region with cursor location. |
k.spawnPlayerRegionsBuildingHandcarts | Spawn handcarts to player owned regions buildings. |
k.spawnRaider amount | Spawn amount of raider at a random edge of the map. |
k.spawnRaiderRallyAtCursor amount | Spawn amount of raider at current cursor position. |
k.spawnRegionBuildingsHandcarts | Spawn handcarts to current region buildings. |
k.spawnSelectedBuildingsConstructionResources | Spawn remaining construction resources to player selected buildings. |
k.spawnStoneChunkAtCursor | Spawn stone chunk at cursor. |
k.spawnWildAnimalAtCursor amount | Spawn a wild animal deposit at cursor. |
k.teleportFollowingUnitToCursor | Teleport the current following unit to the cursor location. |
k.teleportSelectedSquadsToCursor | Teleport selected squads to the cursor position. |
k.triggerGameOver | Trigger game over. |
k.triggerVictory | Trigger game victory. |
k.weakenBandits | Weaken all units assigned to a bandit squad. |
k.weakenRaiders | Weaken all raider units. |
k.withdrawClaimsAndChallengesTowardsPlayer | Make lords withdraw claims and challenges towards the player. |
rain meter | Hidden game mechanic used to determine when to start or end rain events. |
k.multiplySelectedBuildingsCropsYieldBy amount | Multiply all crops yield in selected buildings by amount. |
k.printArmyConsoleCommands | Print Army-related commands to the console window. |
k.printCommands | Print command handles of this mod to the console window. |
k.printConsoleCommands | Print command handles of this mod to the console window. |
k.printForeignSupply | Print foreign supply info to the console. |
k.printLordConsoleCommands | Print Lord-related console commands to the console window. |
k.printMiscConsoleCommands | Print miscellaneous commands to the console window. |
k.printRegionConsoleCommands | Print available commands to the console window. |
k.putOutRegionBuildingsFire | Put out current region buildings’ fire. |
k.putOutSelectedBuildingsFire | Put out all of player selected buildings’ fire. |
k.refillRegionBerries | Refill every berry bush in current region. |
k.releaseLockedMercenaryPool | Release mercenaries that are not currently hired by any lord. |
k.releaseMercenaryById mercenaryID | Release mercenary with given mercenaryID. |
k.removeBerryBushAtCursor | Remove berry bush at cursor. |
k.removeBerryBushClumpAtCursor | Remove the whole berry bush clump at cursor. |
k.removeDeerSquadByDeerAtCursor | Remove deer squad of the deer unit at the player cursor. |
k.removeDepositAtCursor | Remove deposit at the cursor. |
k.removeOffMapWildlifeHerds | Remove Wild Animals that are off-map. |
k.removeStoneChunkAtCursor | Remove stone chunk at cursor. |
k.removeStoneChunkClumpAtCursor | Remove the whole stone chunk clump at cursor. |
k.removeToppledTreeAtCursor | Remove toppled tree at cursor. |
k.renameUnitAtCursor name | Rename unit at cursor to name. |
k.rerollHireMercenaries | Reroll the list of mercenaries you can hire. |
k.resetRegionApprovalMemories | Reset current region residents approval memories. |
k.resetRegionBerriesCapacity | Reset every berry bush’s capacity in current region back to default. |
k.resetRegionStoneDepositAmount | Reset stone amount in current region back to default. |
k.retinueEditorSetArmorByID ID | Set the rally armor of the retinue currently selected. |
k.retinueEditorSetHelmetByID ID | Set the rally helmet of the retinue currently selected. |
k.retinueEditorSetShieldByID ID | Set the rally shield of the retinue currently selected. |
k.retinueEditorSetWeaponByID ID | Set the rally weapon of the retinue currently selected. |
k.setDevelopmentPoint amount | Set current region development point to specified amount. |
k.setGameSpeed amount | Set the game speed to amount. |
k.setGameVersionText text | Set the text of the Game Version text block. |
k.setGenericStorageCapacityForPlayerRegionsBuildingsOfType typeID capacity | Set generic storage capacity for player owned regions buildings with assigned typeID to capacity. |
k.setGenericStorageCapacityForPlayerRegionsStorehouseBuildings capacity | Set generic storage capacity for player owned regions storehouse buildings. |
k.setGenericStorageCapacityForRegionBuildingsOfType typeID capacity | Set generic storage capacity for current region buildings with assigned typeID to capacity. |
k.setGenericStorageCapacityForRegionStorehouseBuildings capacity | Set generic storage capacity for current region storehouse buildings. |
k.setHireMercenaryByIndexArriveAtCurrentRegion index | Set the arrival region of hire-mercenary at given index. |
k.setHireMercenaryByIndexCost index cost | Set the cost of hire-mercenary at given index. |
k.setHoveredUnitFamilyHomeToSelectedBuilding | Change the assigned home of the family of the hovered unit. |
k.setHoveringUnitSpeed amount | Set the speed of the unit that is currently hovered. |
k.setInfluece amount | Set player Lord Influence to the specified amount. |
k.setKingsFavor amount | Set player Lord KingsFavor to the specified amount. |
k.setPantryStorageCapacityForPlayerRegionsBuildingsOfType typeID capacity | Set pantry storage capacity for player owned regions buildings with assigned typeID to capacity. |
k.setPantryStorageCapacityForPlayerRegionsPantryBuildings capacity | Set pantry storage capacity for player owned regions pantry/granary buildings. |
k.setPantryStorageCapacityForRegionBuildingsOfType typeID capacity | Set pantry storage capacity for current region buildings with assigned typeID to capacity. |
k.setPantryStorageCapacityForRegionPantryBuildings | Set pantry storage capacity for current region pantry/granary buildings. |
k.setRainMeter amount | Set the rain meter to amount. |
k.setRegionalWealth amount | Set current region wealth to specified amount. |
k.setRegionApproval amount | Set current region approval to specified amount. |
k.setRegionBuildingsMourningPeriod amount | Set current region buildings mourning period to amount. |
k.setRegionBuildingsOnFire | Set current region buildings on fire. |
k.setRegionPublicOrder amount | Set current region public order to specified amount. |
k.setSelectedBuildingsCropsPlowingProgress amount | Set selected buildings crops plowing progress to amount. |
k.setSelectedBuildingsGenericStorageCapacity -amount | Set selected buildings Generic Storage to amount. |
k.setSelectedBuildingsHuntingLimit amount | Set selected buildings Hunting Limit to amount. |
k.setSelectedBuildingsMourningPeriod amount | Set selected buildings mourning period to amount. |
k.setSelectedBuildingsOnFire | Set all of player selected buildings on fire. |
k.setSelectedBuildingsPantryStorageCapacity | Set selected buildings Pantry Storage to amount. |
k.setSelectedSquadCapacity amount | Set currently selected squad(s) capacity to amount. |
Gameplay Adjustments Without Mods
For players who prefer not to use third-party tools, Manor Lords offers difficulty adjustments during map creation. These settings allow you to:
- Enable sandbox mode with no end goal.
- Disable AI adversaries or random raids.
- Start with double supplies and less demanding residents.