Citizen Sleeper Characters

Citizen Sleeper is game with interesting characters and engaging stories.

Hello fellow sleeper, welcome to our website. Today, we will inform you about the character you will encounter in your world. People you face in this dystopic world will be dangerous. So, follow our guide to be successful. 

If you clicked on this guide, you are probably a Citizen Sleeper player. And if you are not, I’m sure you are very confused. But worry not, if you haven’t played the game yet, it’s an opportunity to start one step further! But before reading this list, make sure to check out our overview of Citizen Sleeper. You will learn the premise, gameplay elements, and how to download the game.

Without further ado, here are all thirteen characters of Citizen Sleeper.

Ankhita The Stranded Mercenary

Ankhita is the mercenary that you’ll encounter early in the game. She is a vital ally on your journey. Help her repair the ship to be her friend. She is an important character that will help you find a former crewmate. 

Her help doesn’t come cheap. You’ll need to have Shipmind complete her quest. Shipmind is an item that requires much time and resources. 

Bliss The Mechanic

Bliss is a mechanic that requires your investment. From the start, Bliss might sound time and money-consuming. Well, she is. Her missions have long periods in between. And you’ll need to invest 100 Cryo(in this economy?!). All these costs result in a well-worth prize. Finishing her quest rewards you with one of the game’s endings. 

You can find her in the Hub section of Erlin’s Eye, where you’ll repair vessels with her.

Citizen Sleeper dragos

Dragos The Salvager

Every action/adventure story needs a guy with who you have debt. Usually, that’s where the story begins: You trying to even with him. Dragos is the salvager that woke you up. Because he is a journey starter, many missions at the begging revolve around him. He has a complex questline that will shape the whole story. 

Following his quest will reward you with a powerful weapon: Cyro. You can also gain other new weapons and abilities by completing Dragos’ missions.

Emphis The Food Vendor

A street food vendor, Emphis loves two things the most in this dystopic world: mushrooms and a good story. He will keep your stomach filled with his delicious recipes. But you’ll need to collect the ingredients(mushrooms) he needs. 

As you eat your meal, he’ll ask about your past story. He is a quid duo pro kind of person. If he trusts you, you can listen to his stories as well.

Citizen Sleeper ethan

Ethan The Bounty Hunter

Ethan has a sad story with dangerous and tragic elements in it. He is a bounty hunter working for Mega-Corporation. Although he paints himself as a mean cold-blooded killer, learning about his past. Drug abuse and debts might make you sympathize with him.

Overall, if you are very interested in his story, we could recommend you to talk with him in your second playthrough.

Feng The Engineer

Citizen Sleeper has a deep world with many shady businesses in it. As a new player, you are oblivious to the dangers of HeavenageFeng will illuminate you about the depth of the world around you. 

He will introduce himself early on. Feng’s storyline is an engaging one with many details and secrets. 

Lem (And Mina) The Shipyard Worker

A father(Lem) is working for a better life for himself and his adopted daughter(Mina). You’ll encounter this small family if you choose to earn more Cryo by working in shipyards in the HeavangeJump Over the Age shows us that they can write heartbreaking stories. Following their questline will lead to one of the game’s endings.

NeoVend The Vending Machine

Alright, I’ll buy a soda.” ”Would you like to hack systems and learn more about The Eye’s secrets?” ”Wow! What’s this?! A talking vending machine!”. I think this might happen if you met with NeoVend. 

Like Feng, you will find secrets of the world by hacking many systems with NeoVend. He has a deep and intriguing story that will be worth your time and energy. He will lead to one of the game’s endings.

Riko The Botanist

Financial stability is a difficult task, even in the real world. Riko is a character with a well-written(I am not if I even need to repeat that to every character) story and a tool that will allow you to catch some breath. 

You will meet her late in the story if you haven’t been searching for her from the start. Like Bliss, she will require an investment: 210 Cryo.

Citizen Sleeper tala

Tala The Distiller

She draws a friendly citizen by protecting you from the patrons that mess with you. As Lawod, we recommend you to assist her throughout your journey because Tala is one of the few people you can trust. She will show you the ways of survival in The Eye. Her story will be worth your while.

Sabine The Slum Doctor

Sabine is a doctor who will sell you stabilizers. It’s an important tool that will help your financial status. As you talk with her, you’ll learn about the hardships of living in The Eye. Her story will sink you into a rabbit hole of gangster and survival.

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