How to Skip the Tutorial in Construction Simulator?

In Construction Simulator, you may want to skip the tutorial to not waste your time. Here, we will show you how to skip the tutorial.

If you have played the other games in the series, you might not want to go through the tutorial for Construction Simulator. In addition, you may be one of those players who loves to figure things out on their own.

Before we get into how to skip the tutorial, we recommend you take a look at Lawod’s Construction Simulator review if you are new to the game.

Although we recommend playing the tutorial, there is a way you can skip the tutorial in Construction Simulator. Today, we are going to show you how to do so. If you plan to play the tutorial, please keep in mind that it takes about three hours.

This is why we can easily relate to people who want to skip this part of the game and start playing together with their friends. On the other hand, if this is your first time playing Construction Simulator, we recommend going through the tutorial.

Construction Simulator Tutorial Lawod

How to Skip the Tutorial in Construction Simulator?

First, you must open the job menu and click on the Cancel Contract button. This will help you cancel all your contracts. Thus, you will skip all tutorial missions but the last one. Unfortunately, this one is not skippable, but here is how to quickly complete it.

Visit the Finance tab of your company so that you can get a loan to complete the tutorial. Here, buy one vehicle, which is cheaper than 100,000 credits. Later, visit the Company Upgrades menu and buy a second company asset.

Once you are done, all you need to do is accept the expansion contract. This is the last contract in the tutorial on the Construction Simulator. After accepting it, locate Harpe on the map and talk to him. This will let you complete the entire tutorial, and you can enjoy Construction Simulator however you want now!

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