Ultrakill Weapons Guide

Check out this guide to discover Ultrakill weapons and get tips on how to maximize their effectiveness.

Ultrakill is a fast-paced, retro-style first-person shooter prides itself on high-octane action and creative weaponry. Check out this guide to discover Ultrakill weapons and get tips on how to maximize their effectiveness.

Ultrakill is a first-person shooter game that brings back the nostalgia of classic FPS titles while incorporating modern gameplay mechanics and a unique twist. The game follows the journey of a cybernetic hero who battles against waves of demonic enemies, armed with a diverse range of powerful weapons, in order to survive in the game’s hellish environments. The gameplay revolves around the innovative concept of “blood fuel,” where players must strategically use the blood of their enemies to heal themselves, making the combat more challenging and requiring players to use their wits and agility to succeed.

Ultrakill Weapons List

Ultrakill offers a wide variety of weapons, each with unique properties and upgrade paths. These weapons are divided into several categories, each suited to different play styles and situations. Below, we’ll explore each category in detail.

Ultrakill Revolvers

Ultrakill Weapons Guide Revolver

The Revolver weapon in Ultrakill has four different variants that players can use. The first is the Piercer variant, which is obtained in the first level of the game, “INTO THE FIRE.” It has a blue color and can deal moderate damage with its primary fire. With its secondary fire, it can either pierce through multiple weak targets or inflict concentrated damage on a single target.

The second variant is the Marksman Revolver, which has a green color and allows players to toss coins into the air. It can be purchased at the Terminal for 7,500P after obtaining the Piercer Revolver.

The third variant is the Sharpshooter Revolver, which is red and can be purchased for 25,000P at the Terminal after obtaining the Piercer Revolver. It is alt-fire shoots red energy beams that can ricochet off surfaces, pierce enemies, and destroy projectiles. The number of ricochets increases with the speed at which the revolver is spun.

The fourth variant is the Alternate Revolver, also known as the Slab Revolver. It can be unlocked in the level “CLAIR DE LUNE” by interacting with all four secret slabs found throughout Limbo. It is the first alternate weapon players can find in the game.

Ultrakill Shotguns

Ultrakill Weapons Guide Shotguns

The Shotgun is a powerful weapon in the game that comes in different variants. The Core Eject Shotgun, which is the blue variant, can be obtained by defeating Swordsmachine’s first phase for the first time in the level called “DOUBLE DOWN.” However, it can also be acquired early through a secret encounter with Swordsmachine at the “THE MEATGRINDER” level.

The Pump Charge Shotgun is the green variant of the Shotgun and can be purchased at the shop for 12,500P after picking up the Core Eject Shotgun in “DOUBLE DOWN” or through the secret encounter in “THE MEATGRINDER.”

The Sawed-On Shotgun is the red variant of the Shotgun that comes with a unique ability to rev the lower chainsaw to damage enemies and then release to fire the chainsaw like a projectile.

The Jackhammer is an alternate variant of the Shotgun that is affectionately known as the Scrongler™ or the Gunkblaster. It can be unlocked in the “LIGHT UP THE NIGHT” level by activating all three slabs throughout the level and going to the location specified in the “Weapon Location” section of this page.

Ultrakill Nailguns

Ultrakill Weapons Guide Nailguns

The Nailgun has three different variants, each with its unique abilities.

The Attractor Nailgun is the blue variant, which can be obtained in the Heart of the Sunrise level. This variant fires nails at a rapid rate when the primary fire button is held and can launch a nail magnet by pressing the alt-fire button. The magnet attracts all the fired nails. 

The Overheat Nailgun is the green variant, which can be purchased for 25,000P after obtaining the Attractor Nailgun in the Heart of the Sunrise level. This variant fires nails at a fast, constant rate when the primary fire button is held. By pressing the alt-fire button when the overheat meter has charge, it will spit out fiery nails in a rapid-fire burst, using up one of the Overheat Nailgun’s charges. 

The Jumpstart Nailgun is the red variant of the Nailgun, and it was released as part of the Full Arsenal Update. 

There is also an alternate form of the Nailgun known as the Sawblade Launcher. It can be unlocked by using the electric rail cannon on the pool of water in the Chamber of the Feline and the rodent at the Clair de Soleil level.

Ultrakill Railcannons

Ultrakill Weapons Guide Railguns

The Electric Railcannon is a blue variant of the Railcannon. It can be unlocked in level [2-2: DEATH AT 20,000 VOLTS].

The Screwdriver Railcannon is a green variant of the Railcannon. It can be purchased for 100,000P after obtaining the Electric Railcannon in level [2-2: DEATH AT 20,000 VOLTS].

The Malicious Railcannon is a red variant of the Railcannon. It can be purchased for 100,000P after obtaining the Electric Railcannon in level [2-2: DEATH AT 20,000 VOLTS].

Ultrakill Rocket Launchers

Ultrakill Weapons Guide Rocket Launcher

For dealing with large groups of enemies or heavily armored targets, the Rocket Launcher is indispensable. Its explosive projectiles cause widespread damage and can be upgraded to track targets or explode into smaller, grenade-like bombs upon impact. There are 3 rocket launcher variants in Ultrakill:

Freezeframe Variant: The Freezeframe Rocket Launcher is the blue variant of the Rocket Launcher. You can unlock it in levels 5-3: SHIP OF FOOLS.

S.R.S. Cannon Variant: The S.R.S. Cannon Rocket Launcher (Shitty Rock Shooting Cannon) is the green variant of the Rocket Launcher. You can purchase it for 75,000P after obtaining the Freezeframe Rocket Launcher in level 5-3: SHIP OF FOOLS. The primary fire shoots rockets identical to the Freezeframe variant. The alt-fire launches a powerful cannonball that bounces off enemies, and it offers a number of different follow-up actions that are possible on the cannonball after it rebounds.

Firestarter Variant: The Firestarter Rocket Launcher is the red variant of the Rocket Launcher. It comes with two unique abilities. The first one is the ability to spray oil that can be applied to any surface and ignited with anything fiery, such as explosions and overheated nails. The second one is the ability to make normally non-flammable enemies flammable.

Ultrakill Arms

Ultrakill Weapons Guide Arms

Feedbacker (Blue Arm): The Feedbacker is the default arm that you receive when you start playing the game. It is blue in color and can be unequipped for use in the Terminal.

Knuckleblaster (Red Arm): The Knuckleblaster is a red-colored arm that you can obtain by defeating V2 in [1-4: CLAIR DE LUNE]. It deals heavy damage and can send enemies flying, but it cannot parry.

Whiplash (Green Arm): The Whiplash is a green-colored arm that you can obtain by defeating V2 in [4-4: CLAIR DE SOLEIL]. It pulls light enemies and objects toward V1 and pulls V1 toward heavy enemies and grapples points.

Spawner Arm (Sandbox Arm): The Spawner Arm is a special arm that is only accessible through the cheat menu or the Sandbox.

Ultrakill The Black Hole Cannon

Ultrakill Weapons Guide Black Hole Cannon

The Black Hole Cannon was a weapon that was ultimately scrapped. It had the ability to shoot out deadly black holes (using a Shotgun as a placeholder model) that would slowly move in the aimed direction. The black holes dealt considerable damage to all enemies they came in contact with before imploding in a rain of blood. Additionally, it had a unique Style Bonus that was associated with +COMPRESSED. 

When the cannon’s alt-fire button was pressed, it would cause the black hole to slowly decrease in size until it exploded, dealing massive damage. However, the alt-fire button had no effect when there was no black hole present. The effect of the black hole was later re-used for the Corpse of King Minos, the Flesh Prison, and the Flesh Panopticon.

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