The Devil in Me‘s story begins with a group of documentary film crew members being invited to a mysterious island. When the crew arrives, they learn that more is at stake than just the chance to see figures. It turns out they are being watched.
Among the film crew is Erin, a 24-year-old intern. She’s been in charge of the sound design. As the only female member of the crew, Erin seems innocent. Nonetheless, her boss, Charlie, frequently chastises her for things she did not do.
Initially, the crew is hesitant to go to the lighthouse. But after getting into a fight with Marie, who insists she’ll look into it, the crew decides to go. Once there, they discover more at stake than just a chance to get footage of the nearby lighthouse.
The Devil in Me Characters List
The Devil in Me has characters who are regular people, killers, and innocent victims. There are also a couple of playable characters. During their play, players can switch between these characters to solve the mysteries and puzzles in the game.
Besides, since The Devil in Me has two different multiplayer modes, the players can choose and switch between the characters and play in the same hosted game together.
- Kate Wilder,
- Charlie Lonnit
- Mark Nestor
- Jamie Tiergan
- Erin Keenan
- H. H. Holmes
- Marie
- Chester Bell