Deceive Inc. Weapons Damage and Stats

In Deceive Inc, each spy has their own signature weapon and passive ability, and each weapon has different stats, including their damage.

Each agent has their own role that informs their playstyle and the weapons they carry while also giving players a sense of which abilities to focus on. While all agents can be good at the game, knowing which ones are better than others for a successful match is helpful.

In order to determine a Deceive Inc. Agent‘s ranking, you must look at their Weapon, Expertise, and Passive skills. Each agent has one of these skills, and you can unlock more through missions or acquiring new equipment.

For example, Hans has a weapon called the Hook, a hand-mounted shotgun with a low fire rate and medium reload speed. It’s effective at close range and has two modes: ADS and Slug-mount. Just like Hans, the rest of the agents also have their own abilities and weapons.

Deceive Inc Weapons’ Stats

Here are the Deceive Inc. weapons’ stats for each agent you can use in the game:

Deceive Inc. Chavez Lawod ss


Sentinel: The starting weapon. Kill Requirements:

  • 5 body shots
  • 3 headshots

Vigilante: The second weapon, unlocked at Mastery 5. Fast fire rate and less recoil. Kill Requirements:

  • 5 body shots
  • 3 headshots. 

Duke: His final weapon, unlocked at Mastery 9. Kill Requirements:

  • 2 headshots
  • 3 body shots
Deceive Inc. Ace Lawod ss


Queen of Diamonds: The starting weapon. Kill Requirements

  • 3 non-charged headshots
  • 4 non-charged body shots
  • 2 fully charged headshots
  • 3 fully charged body shots.

Jack of Diamonds: The second weapon, unlocked at Mastery 5. Kill Requirements:

  • 4 non-charged headshots
  • 5 non-charged body shots
  • 3 fully-charged headshots
  • 4 fully-charged body shots.

King of Diamonds: The final weapon unlocked at Mastery 9. Kill Requirements:

  • 2 non-charged headshots
  • 3 non-charged body shots
  • 2 fully-charged headshots.
  • 2 fully-charged body shots.
Deceive Inc. Squire Lawod ss


  • Lance: The starting weapon. It has a silencer. Kill Requirements:
  • 5 headshots
  • 6 body shots. 

Trident: Unlocked at Mastery 5. A triple-fire burst of bullets. Kill Requirements:

  • 4 headshots
  • 4 body shots

Javelin: The final weapon. Unlocked at Mastery 9. Kill Requirements:

  • 4 headshots
  • 5 body shots
Deceive Inc. Madame Xiu Lawod ss 1

Madame Xiu

Zhulong: The starting weapon. Fully automatic. Kill Requirements:

  • 9 headshots
  • 12 body shots

Longshen: Unlocked at Mastery 5. Tripple burst fire. Kill Requirements:

  • 4 headshots
  • 4 body shots

Xuanwu: The final weapon. Unlocked at Mastery 9. It will increase the firing speed as long as you keep firing. Kill Requirements:

  • 13 headshots
  • 17 body shots
Deceive Inc Hans 1


The Hook: The starting weapon. Kill Requirements:

  • 3 headshots
  • 5 body shots

The Jab: The secondary weapon. Unlocked at Mastery 5Kill Requirements:

  • 3 headshots
  • 4 body shots

The Uppercut: The final weapon. Unlocked at Mastery 9. Kill Requirements:

  • 3 headshots
  • 3 body shots
Deceive Inc. Cavaliere Lawod ss


Dragoons: The starting weapon.

  • 8 headshots
  • 9 body shots

Hydras: The second weapon. Unlocked at Mastery 5. Kill Requirements:

  • 3 headshots
  • 5 body shots

Wyverns: The final weapon. Unlocked at Mastery 9. Kill Requirements:

  • 8 headshots
  • 10 body shots
Deceive Inc. Lawod ss 1 1


Silence: The starting weapon. Kill Requirements:

  • 9 headshots / 7 headshots + Gun throw
  • 10 body shots / 9 body shots + Gun throw

Cadence: The second weapon. Unlocked at Mastery 5. Kill Requirements:

  • 5 headshots / 4 headshots + Gun throw
  • 6 body shots / 6 body shots + Gun throw

Violence: The final weapon. Unlocked at Mastery 9. Kill Requirements:

  • 8 headshots / 4 headshots + Gun throw
  • 10 body shots / 8 body shots + Gun throw
Deceive Inc. Yu Mi Lawod ss


Slingshot: The starting weapon. Kill Requirements:

  • 3 fully-charged shots
  • 5 non-charged shots

Splitshot: The second weapon. Unlocked at Mastery 5. Kill Requirements:

  • 3 fully-charged shots
  • 4 non-charged shots

Longshot: The final weapon. Unlocked at Mastery 9. Kill Requirements:

  • 3 fully-charged shots
  • 7 non-charged shots

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