Fire Emblem Engage Classes

Fire Emblem Engage is a role-playing strategy game with an impressive class system that rewards players for changing classes and leveling up. There are many classes and class types in Fire Emblem, and here in this article, you can find anything about them.

The Fire Emblem franchise returns with its original turn-based style, and each unit in Fire Emblem Engage comes with a class that gives them access to specific weapons, skills, and mounts. These classes can be changed at any time and can also be upgraded throughout the game. Changing classes is one of the main mechanics in all Fire Emblem games, and Engage is no exception. It’s a way to level up, increase your base states, gain new weapon types, and more. It also gives you some incentive to play through the game again, as you’ll be able to see your character’s strength grow more quickly than in older titles.

There are three different class types in Fire Emblem Engage: base classes, advanced classes, and special classes. Each has its own unique set of stats, skills, and weapon types to unlock. Here are the lists of all class types in Fire Emblem Engage:

Base Classes
Class NameClass TypeRequired LevelRequired Weapon Proficiency
ArcherBaseBase Class Lvl 1Bow B
Axe ArmorBaseBase Class Lvl 1Axe B
Axe CavalierBaseBase Class Lvl 1Axe B
Axe FighterBaseBase Class Lvl 1Axe B
Axe FlierBaseBase Class Lvl 1Axe B
Lance ArmorBaseBase Class Lvl 1Lance B
Lance CavalierBaseBase Class Lvl 1Lance B
Lance FighterBaseBase Class Lvl 1Lance B
Lance FlierBaseBase Class Lvl 1Lance B
MageBaseBase Class Lvl 1Tome B
Martial MonkBaseBase Class Lvl 1Staff/Arts B
Sword ArmorBaseBase Class Lvl 1Sword B
Sword CavalierBaseBase Class Lvl 1Sword B
Sword FighterBaseBase Class Lvl 1Sword B
Sword FlierBaseBase Class Lvl 1Sword B
Wing TamerBase (requires Second Seal)Wing Tamer Lvl 20Tome B Staves B
SentinelBase (requires Second Seal)Sentinel Lvl 20Lance B
Advanced Classes
Class NameClass TypeRequired LevelRequired Weapon Proficiency
BerserkerAdvancedAxe Fighter Lvl 10Axe S
WarriorAdvancedAxe Fighter Lvl 10Axe A Bows C
SniperAdvancedArcher Lvl 10Bows S
Bow Knight (Axe)AdvancedArcher Lvl 10Axe C / Bow A
Bow Knight (Lance)AdvancedArcher Lvl 10Lance C / Bow A
Bow Knight (Sword)AdvancedArcher Lvl 10Sword B / Bow A
General (Axe)AdvancedSword/Lance/Axe Armor Lvl 10Axe A
General (Lance)AdvancedSword/Lance/Axe Armor Lvl 10Lance A
General (Sword)AdvancedSword/Lance/Axe Armor Lvl 10Sword S
Great KnightAdvancedSword/Lance/Axe Armor Lvl 10Sword A / Axe B | Lance B / Axe B
PaladinAdvancedSword/Lance/Axe Cavalier Lvl 10Axe A | Sword A
Wolf KnightAdvancedSword/Lance/Axe Armor Lvl 10Lance B / Knives A | Axe B / Knives A
Griffin KnightAdvancedSword/Lance/Axe Flier Lvl 10Lance A / Staves C | Sword S / Staves C
Wyvern KnightAdvancedSword/Lance/Axe Flier Lvl 10Sword A / Axe B | Sword A / Lance B
SwordmasterAdvancedSword Fighter Lvl 10Sword S
Hero (Lance)AdvancedSword Fighter Lvl 10Sword A Lance C
Hero (Axe)AdvancedSword Fighter Lvl 10Sword A Axe C
HalberdierAdvancedLance Fighter Lvl 10Lance S
Royal KnightAdvancedLance Fighter Lvl 10Lance A Staves C
SageAdvancedMage Lvl 10Tomes S / Staves B
Mage KnightAdvancedMage Lvl 10Lance B / Tomes A | Swords A / Tomes A
Martial MasterAdvancedMartial Monk Lvl 10Staves A Brawl S
High PriestAdvancedMartial Monk Lvl 10Tomes B Staves S Brawl C
Special Classes
Class NameClass TypeRequired LevelRequired Weapon Proficiency
ThiefSpecial Class (requires Second Seal)Base Class Lvl 1Knife S
Dragon ChildAlear ExclusiveDivine Dragon OnlySword B
Divine DragonAlear Exclusive; AdvancedDivine Dragon OnlySword A Brawl B
LindwurmIvy Exclusive; AdvancedIvy ExclusiveTomes S Staves B
Sleipnir RiderHortensia Exclusive; AdvancedHortensia ExclusiveTomes S Staves B
VidameCéline Exclusive; AdvancedCéline ExclusiveKnives B Staves B Tomes B
AvenirAlfred Exclusive; AdvancedAlfred ExclusiveSwords B Lance A
CupidoFogado Exclusive; AdvancedFogado ExclusiveSwords B Bows A
PicketTimerra Exclusive; AdvancedTimerra ExclusiveLance S
Tireur d’éliteAlcryst Exclusive; AdvancedAlcryst ExclusiveBows S
DancerSeadall Exclusive; AdvancedSeadall ExclusiveMystic Arts A
SuccesseurDiamant Exclusive; AdvancedDiamant ExclusiveSwords S Axe A

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