Home Behind 2 Review

Home Behind 2 is a prequel game, and it takes you ten years back from the events of the previous game.

Home Behind is back after its first release in 2016. We now have a new game in this series titled “Home Behind 2,” developed and published by TPP Studio. The game has mostly the same mechanics and gameplay, and it comes with a prequel storyline. But, this time, the story will be different. It is more about fighting than finding. Since its release on February 16, 2022, reviews on Steam by over five thousand players have been very positive. Well, let’s find out more about Home Behind 2.

With “Home Behind 2,” we travel ten years back. So it is a prequel. We are in Scaria, which is ruled by a dictator named Akadullah. People living in Scaria are starting a revolution, and uprisings across the country are happening.

Home Behind 2 Gameplay

You play as Banan, a college student studying abroad. After seeing events in her country, she decides to return to her home and join the revolution. Like anyone else, she didn’t want to leave her home behind

With the help of Haroun, son of a tribal leader, and the Prince of the Norto Republic, you will fight against countless enemies and gather resources for your people and freedom. It’s time for Revolution 101 and core gameplay features.

At the beginning of the game, the game allows you to customize your character, Banan. You will be able to change her weight, height, nickname (you might even have a laugh reading some of them), and hobby, which will have slight effects on her stats. 

You will also have stats such as strength, agility, intelligence, fitness, and resolve. You will have two points for each at the beginning. It’s also possible to rearrange them according to your wishes. 

Lastly, we will talk about jobs, which give different abilities. In the beginning, you can only choose one of four jobs, including Commando, Sniper, Medic, and Scout. By the way, as you can see in our gameplay, we chose sniper because it’s very cool. After finalizing your creation and selecting your difficulty, you are ready to begin. 

Home Behind 2 has comic book-style cutscenes and turn-based conversations. The game features loot for your soldiers like weapons and armor, hundreds of random events, and building and upgrading a camp for your allies. 

We should mention upgrading camps a bit. In these camps, you can upgrade technology and craft armor. There are 36 jobs that allow you to create your strategy for the war. 

You will also need to do some detective work on your way to make sure you are on the right path. While doing all this, you can discover the history of Scaria and the citizens who lived there.

In our play, we mostly enjoyed the game. For a roguelike role-playing game, the effects and visuals are decent. The variety of events and enemies was enough overall. The game was not linear in its detective work or in its big world. We recommend you try the game and share your experiences and thoughts about the game in the comments section. Home Behind 2 is on Steam with a price tag of $19,99. There is also a bundle for players who missed the first game.

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Home Behind 2 System Requirements

Of course, to join the revolution, you will need to have a PC that fits the minimum system requirements. Below, you can find the minimum system requirements. But don’t say a word to Akadullah. As the saying goes, snitches get stitches.

    • OS: Windows 7/10/11 (64bit)
    • Processor: 1.6 GHz
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Storage: 4 GB available space

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