
Immortality is an interactive film video game developed by Sam Barlow and published by Half Mermaid Productions. It’s a “non-linear” story that challenges players to piece together the plot of 3 unreleased films featuring French-American actress Marissa Marcel. Check out this page to learn more about Immortality.

  • GuidesImmortality Ending How Do You Complete Immortality Lawod Cover 1

    Immortality Ending – How Do You Complete Immortality?

    Immortality is one of the year’s most praised indie games, but its hands-off approach has left many players confused about…

  • GuidesWhat Happened to Marissa Marcel in Immortality Lawod Cover 1

    What Happened to Marissa Marcel in Immortality?

    Marissa Marcel is the main protagonist in Immortality, and she made two movies in the late ’60s and early ’70s (Ambrosio and Minsky) that were…

  • GuidesImmortality Game Cast

    Immortality Game Cast

    Immortality has a unique storyline that’s unlike anything you’ve seen in a video game. It’s about a reclusive actress named…

  • GuidesImmortality Ending Stuck

    Immortality Ending Stuck

    In Immortality, you play as Marissa Marcel, a model-turned-actress who disappeared without a trace after filming three films that were…

  • GuidesImmortality Game Hints

    Immortality Game Hints

    Immortality is an interactive adventure game that sees players delve into the life of young actress Marissa Marcel. After starring in three fictitious movies, Marissa…

  • ReviewsImmortality Game Review

    Immortality Game Review

    Immortality is a new interactive simulation game released on PC and Xbox. It’s a “non-linear” story that challenges players to…

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