Sonic Frontiers OST – All Song List

Despite the game's mixed reviews, everyone seems to agree that Sonic Frontier's soundtrack is fantastic. Sonic Frontier OST includes a mix of abrasive rock music and quiet tracks. Here is the full list and how to download it.

Sonic Frontiers has an exciting soundtrack that features an impressive number of songs. The game was composed by Sonic Team stalwart Tomoya Ohtani, and the soundtrack will come as a six-CD set. It will include 150 songs as well as a 40-page commentary book.

The main theme song of Sonic Frontiers is sung by To Octavia’s Merry Kirk-Holmes. A visually stunning music video accompanies it. The game’s other track is titled “Undefeatable” and features Kellin Quinn from the band Sleeping With Sirens. Here is the list of all the songs included in the Sonic Frontier soundtrack discs.

Sonic Frontiers OST All Song List Lawod 1

Sonic Frontiers Soundtrack

Disc 1

  1. I’m Here (feat. Merry Kirk-Holmes)
  2.  Cutscene: Hidden Technology
  3.  Cutscene: Arriving on Starfall Islands
  4.  Cyber Space 1-1: Database
  5.  Cutscene: The Last Piece
  6.  Kronos Island: 1st Mvt.
  7.  Guardians: First Encounters
  8.  Cyber Space 1-2: Flowing
  9.  Jingle: Chaos Emerald Vault
  10.  Jingle: Create a Bridge
  11.  Jingle: Get Chaos Emeralds
  12.  Kronos Island: 2nd Mvt.
  13.  Cyber Space 1-3: Digital Cave
  14.  Guardian: ASURA
  15.  Cutscene: Trapped
  16.  Cutscene: Intangible Amy
  17.  Kronos Island: 3rd Mvt.
  18.  Cutscene: Mystery Girl
  19.  Cutscene: Sonic on the move
  20.  Jingle: Quest – Intro
  21.  Jingle: Quest – Start
  22.  Quest: SOS Backup
  23.  Jingle: Quest – Clear
  24.  Cutscene: Purification of Souls
  25.  Cyber Space 1-4: Genshi
  26.  Cyber Space: Result Screen

Disc 2

  1. Kronos Island: 4th Mvt.
  2.  Cutscene: For Whom
  3.  Guardian: SQUID
  4.  Cyber Space 1-5: Dropaholic
  5.  Kronos Island: 5th Mvt.
  6.  Guardian: NINJA
  7.  Cyber Space 1-6: Go Back 2 Your Roots
  8.  Kronos Island: 6th Mvt.
  9.  Cyber Space 1-7: Time Flyer
  10.  Guardian: TOWER
  11.  Kronos Island: 7th Mvt.
  12.  Theme of Koco
  13.  Fishing Vibes
  14.  Jingle: Land a catch
  15.  Jingle: Land a new catch
  16.  Jingle: Get Vault Keys
  17.  Cutscene: Eggman’s Notes
  18.  Cutscene: No Way Out
  19.  Cutscene: Premonition
  20.  Cutscene: One Last Wish
  21.  Cutscene: Keep your head up
  22.  Jingle: Achievement
  23.  Titan: GIGANTO
  24.  Undefeatable (feat. Kellin Quinn)
  25.  Cutscene: To the new frontier

Disc 3

  1. Cutscene: Super Sonic fallen
  2.  Ares Island: 1st Mvt.
  3.  Cutscene: Intangible Knuckles
  4.  Cyber Space 2-1: Slice & Sway
  5.  Guardian: SHARK
  6.  Ares Island: 2nd Mvt.
  7.  Cutscene: Titan Puppeteer
  8.  Guardian: STRIDER
  9.  Cyber Space 2-2: Heavenly Sky
  10.  Cutscene: Rejection
  11.  Ares Island: 3rd Mvt.
  12.  Cyber Space 2-3: Nostalgic Sweep
  13.  Cutscene: The Vision
  14.  Cutscene: Builders of the Ancient Civilization
  15.  Ares Island: 4th Mvt.
  16.  Cyber Space 2-4: Hype Street
  17.  Guardian: TANK
  18.  Ares Island: 5th Mvt.
  19.  Cyber Space 2-5: Déjà vu
  20.  Cyber Space: Result Screen – Complete
  21.  Cutscene: Visions of Home
  22.  Quest: The Best Defense
  23.  Jingle: Quest – Fail
  24.  Jingle: Quest – Result
  25.  Cutscene: Ascent of Fallen Warriors

Disc 4

  1. Ares Island: 6th Mvt.
  2.  Cutscene: Another tomorrow
  3.  Cyber Space 2-6: Transparent Highway
  4.  Guardian: SUMO
  5.  Cyber Space 2-7: Floating in the Blue
  6.  Ares Island: 7th Mvt.
  7.  Titan: WYVERN
  8.  Break Through It All (feat. Kellin Quinn)
  9.  Cutscene: To Another Frontier
  10.  Chaos Island: 1st Mvt.
  11.  Cutscene: Intangible Tails
  12.  Cyber Space 3-1: Escape the Loop
  13.  Guardian: SPIDER
  14.  Chaos Island: 2nd Mvt.
  15.  Cutscene: Star Crossed
  16.  Cutscene: Beyond the past
  17.  Island Mystery: Hacking Mission
  18.  Jingle: Hacking Mission – Clear
  19.  Jingle: Hacking Mission – Fail
  20.  Jingle: Mystery Solved
  21.  Cyber Space 3-2: Go Slap
  22.  Chaos Island: 3rd Mvt.
  23.  Cyber Space 3-3: Memory will tell

Disc 5

  1. Chaos Island: 4th Mvt.
  2.  Guardian: FORTRESS
  3.  Cyber Space 3-4: Constructure
  4.  Cutscene: Resolution of Sage
  5.  Cutscene: EQ
  6.  Chaos Island: 5th Mvt.
  7.  Cyber Space 3-5: BMB
  8.  Quest: Bridge the Gap
  9.  Chaos Island: 6th Mvt.
  10.  Cutscene: Heart and Soul
  11.  Chaos Island: 7th Mvt.
  12.  Cyber Space 3-6: Enjoy this World
  13.  Island Mystery: Pinball
  14.  Cyber Space 3-7: All Reality
  15.  Titan: KNIGHT
  16.  Find Your Flame (feat. Kellin Quinn & Tyler Smyth)
  17.  Cutscene: Last Ordeal
  18.  Cutscene: The Six Wedges
  19.  Rhea Island
  20.  Cutscene: Chaos Engine
  21.  Cutscene: Fallen Ancestrial Star
  22.  Cutscene: Inextinguishable Doubt
  23.  Cutscene: The Will of the Emeralds
  24.  Cutscene: The Beginning of the End
  25.  Cutscene: Titan Finale
  26.  Cutscene: Sealing
  27.  Cutscene: The Losing Soul
  28.  Cutscene: Time to unite

Disc 6

  1. Ouranos Island
  2.  Cyber Space 4-1: Exceed Mach
  3.  Enemy: WOLF
  4.  Cyber Space 4-2: Ephemeral
  5.  Cyber Space 4-3: Rumble Rave
  6.  Guardian: CATERPILLAR
  7.  Cyber Space 4-4: Wishes in the Wind
  8.  Cyber Space 4-5: Arrow of Time
  9.  Cyber Space 4-6: Fog Funk
  10.  Theme of Starfall Islands
  11.  Guardian: GHOST
  12.  Cyber Space 4-7: Rewind to go ahead
  13.  Cyber Space 4-8: No Pain, No Gain
  14.  Cyber Space 4-9: Signs
  15.  Cutscene: Face-off
  16.  Titan: SUPREME – I’m Here [Re-Edit]
  17.  Cutscene: Fake Moon
  18.  I’m with you
  19.  Cutscene: Unheard
  20.  Cutscene: Lost Friend
  21.  Dear Father (feat. Quinn Barnitt)
  22.  Cutscene: A Wonderful World
  23.  One Way Dream (feat. Nathan Sharp)

Sonic Frontiers OST Download

As you can see, Sonic Frontiers has numerous soundtracks. The whole OST is a six-disc archive of all the game levels. There are a couple of channels where you can purchase and download Sonic Frontiers OST. People who don’t want to buy the whole OST archive can find other ways to listen to songs from the albums. Youtube would probably be the best choice for those who like hitting and running because fans often share complete albums of video games on the platform.

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