Developed by Joey Drew Studios, Bendy and the Dark Revival is the sequel to the popular Bendy and the Ink Machine. The game is a survival horror title that focuses on a protagonist named Audrey. She must navigate a creepy cartoon studio and fight off a dreaded ink demon. But here’s another character from the first game as well: Henry Stein.
In the game, Henry Stein is an Ink Replica of a former animator rescued by Tom. In the real world, Henry hasn’t eaten in years, which helps him figure out that he isn’t really Henry. However, in the BatDR, he is actually alive.
Who is Henry Stein?
Henry has a few things to accomplish in Bendy and the Dark Revival. First, he needs to find Alice Angel, who is the studio’s lead female character. She has been stealing parts from other cartoons. She also asks Henry to help her escape the studio. He must also defeat the searcher. He also has to find the valve for the archives door.
Henry Stein is also a part of the game’s time loop. He is thrown into a cycle where he has to choose between being a demon or an angel. Once he decides, the other paths will shut down. This means he has to retrace his steps to find the Ink Machine and return to Chapter 1.
The game takes place in an eerie, dilapidated animation studio. A variety of creatures, including the notorious Ink Demon, populate the studio. During the course of the game, Audrey will have to fight for her life and find her way out of the studio. She’ll meet a variety of characters who will help her along the way and help her defeat her enemies with the help of other characters, such as Henry Stein.